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作者:中药养生袋泡茶自动包装机,内外袋保健养生茶包装机生产商    发布于:2017-05-10 07:52:58    文字:【】【】【
摘要:中药养生袋泡茶自动包装机,内外袋保健养生茶包装机的特点:采用PLC控制整机的动作,人机界面显示,操作方便;本机附加装置可完成平口剪切、日期打印、易撕口等功能。特别适用于: 茶末、碎茶、茶粉、茶叶、药茶、保健茶草根类等小颗粒物的内外袋一次性包装。

内外袋带线带标袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机,袋泡茶内外袋包装机Line inside and outside the bag with the tea bag packing machine, inside and outside the bag of tea bag packaging machine, tea bag inside and outside the bag packaging machine 中药养生袋泡茶包装机

一、内外袋带线带标袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机的适用范围:Line inside and outside the bag with the tea bag packing machine, bag tea bag packaging machine inside and outside of the scope of application:
本机适用于茶叶、药茶、保健茶草根类等小颗粒物的内外袋一次性包装。The machine is suitable for tea, herbal tea, health tea grassroots small particles inside and outside the bag, such as disposable packaging.

二、内外袋带线带标袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机的本机特点:Line inside and outside the bag with the tea bag packing machine, inside and outside the bag of tea bag packaging machine this machine features:
1.外封纸由步进电机控制,袋长稳定、定位准确;Paper WaiFeng consists of stepper motor control, bag length stable, accurate positioning;
2.采用PID调节温度控制器,温度控制得更准确;Using the PID temperature controller, temperature control more accurate;
3.采用PLC控制整机的动作,人机界面显示,操作方便; PLC control action of the machine, the man-machine interface display, easy to operate;
4.所有可接触物料部分为SUS304不锈钢制作,保证产品的卫生可靠;All parts contacting material of SUS304 stainless steel, ensure health of products;
5.部分工作气缸采用原装进口件,保证其工作准确与稳定。Part of the working cylinder adopts imported parts, ensure the accuracy and stability.
6.本机附加装置可完成平口剪切、日期打印、易撕口等功能。 This machine can complete the flat cutting, date printing, easy tear etc. Function.

三、内外袋带线带标袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机的主要技术参数:Line inside and outside the bag with the tea bag packing machine, bag tea bag packaging machine inside and outside the main technical parameters:
型号:YS-169 Model: YS - 169
封口形式:三边封     计量范围: 1-15克/    生产能力:30-60/分钟
Sealing form: three edge-sealing   measuring range: 1-15 g/bag   production capacity: 30 to 60 bags/min
内袋尺寸:长50-75㎜;宽50-75 外袋尺寸:长85-120㎜;宽75-95㎜
The bag size: 50-75 ㎜ long; Wide 50-75 ㎜ outside bag size: 85-120 ㎜ long; 75-95 ㎜ wide
标签尺寸:25X25(长*宽)  输入电源:220V/50HZ单相   总功率: 3.7kw
Label size: 25 x25 (length * width)  input power: 220 v / 50 hz single-phase   total power: 3.7 kw
整机重量:650KG     外型尺寸:1050X700X1300(长**高mm)
The weight: 650 kg   appearance size: 1050 x700x1300 (length * width * height in mm)

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