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作者:茶叶、袋泡茶、再加工茶包装机提供商、生产商    发布于:2017-05-09 08:03:07    文字:【】【】【


推动中国茶叶更好地“走出去”,首先需要创新理念,打好文化牌。对中国茶企来说,卖茶叶不单单是卖原料、卖产品,而应提升到推广文化和生活方式的层次上。To promote China's tea better "go out", you will first need to innovative concept, good culture. For Chinese tea companies, selling tea is not just selling raw materials, selling products, and should be promoted to promote the level of culture and way of life.

其次要创新模式,增加产业的附加值。要推动企业逐步实现由初级产品加工销售向精深加工转变,根据茶产品需求变化,开发方便、经济、保健型的新产品,如袋泡茶、速溶茶、茶饮料,并向食品加工、生物医药、日用化工等行业渗透,形成多元化、系列化、品牌化的精深加工业。Secondly to innovation, increase the added value of industry. To promote enterprise gradually realize from the primary products processing and sales to deep processing, according to the tea product demand change, the development of convenient, economic and health protection of new products, such as tea, instant tea, tea beverage, and food processing, biological medicine, daily chemical industry such as permeability, formation diversification, serialization, brand of deep processing industry.

中国茶开拓国际市场,必须与国外的饮茶习惯相融合,针对出口目的国的技术标准、质量监管和消费习惯,研发适销对路的茶产品,最终补齐中国茶产业品牌和市场的短板,从茶叶大国迈向茶叶强国。Chinese tea to develop the international market, must be combined with foreign habit of tea drinking, technical standards, quality supervision for export destination countries and spending habits, developing marketable tea products, eventually fill JiZhongGuo tea industry brand and market, from a big tea to tea power.
尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,三角茶包自动包装机Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, triangle tea bag packaging machine automatically,花草袋泡茶包装机,花果袋泡茶包装机

三角袋泡茶包装机,三角茶包自动包装机,花果袋泡茶包装机的特征:Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, automatic triangular tea bag packaging machine features:

1.通过超声封口切断方式,使抽出性突出且外观形状漂亮的茶包的生产成为可能。By ultrasonic cutting off, make out sex and beautiful shape tea production is possible.

2.包装能力达3000袋/小时。Packaging capacity up to 3000 bags per hour.

3.用带标签的包装材料可以简单生产出带标签的茶包。A simple labeled packaging materials can produce tea bags with labels.

4.电子称计量方式可以很容易在变换填充物,计量精准。Electronic scale metering can be easily in the transformation filler, measuring precision.

该三角包茶叶包装机适用于:花草茶,花果茶,黑茶,白茶,黄茶,藤茶,养生茶,八宝茶,养肝茶,绿茶、红茶、花茶、咖啡、中国茶、健康茶、中药茶、颗粒等立体三角包包装。The triangle tea bag packaging machine is suitable for: black tea, white tea, yellow tea, rattan tea, health tea, sweet tea, nourishing the liver tea, green tea, black tea, scented tea, coffee, Chinese tea, health tea, herbal tea, particle, etc in the stereoscopic triangle bag packaging.

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